Delawain Benádar

11th Level Illusionist

Character Information

Experience 550,000
Hit Points 45
Armour Class 5

Age: 36

Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

Magic items 

  • +2 Dagger
  • +3 Cloak of protection
  • Potion of invisibility
  • Potion of improved invisibility
  • Periapt of proof against poison
paralysation, poison, death magic
Petrification / polymorph
Rod Staff Wand
Breath Weapon


1st Level  
5 Colour spray
  Colour spray
  Colour spray
  Wall of fog
2nd level  
4 Hypnotic pattern
  Fog Cloud
3rd level  
3 Fear
4th level  
3 Phantasmal killer
  Improved invisibility
  Improved invisibility
5th level  
2 Projected Image


Wrath Form (5th Level)
Death Fog (6th Level)
Confusion (4th Level)
Hide Traps (5th Level)


AC  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Dagger 1 4 5 7 8 11 12 14 15 16 17
AC  -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10
Dagger 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20


SM Large Bonus
Dagger 1-4 1-3 +2
Encumbrance and Movement [Base Move 12"/Normal Encumbrance 350gp/Strength Bonus +200gp]
Leather Backpack
Bone Scroll Case
Leather Map Case
Hooded Lantern
Small Mirror
Oil Flask x3
Small Belt Pouch
50' Rope
Iron Spike x2 20gp
Tinder Box
Cloak (Magical half encumbrance)
Dagger (Magical half encumbrance)
Normal 0 - 550
Base Movement 12"
Heavy 551 - 900
Base Movement 9"
Very Heavy 901 - 1,250
Base Movement 6"
Encumbered 1,251+
Base Movement 3"- 4"

Spell Reference

Colour Spray

Level: 1
Range: 1″/level
Duration: 1 segment
Area of Effect: 0.5” x 2″ x 2″ wedge
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: Special
Components: V,S,M

Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, the illusionist causes a vivid fan-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring forth from his or her hand. From 1 to 6 creatures within the area of effect can be affected. The spell caster is able to affect 1 level or hit die of creatures for each of his or her levels of experience. Affected creatures ore struck unconscious for 2 to 8 rounds if their level is less than or equal to that of the spell caster; they are blinded for 1 to 4 rounds if their level or number of hit dice is 1 or 2 greater than the illusionist; and they are stunned (cf. power word, stun, seventh level magic-user spell) for 2 to 8 segments if their level or number of hit dice is 3 or more greater than the spell caster. All creatures above the level of the spell caster and all creatures of 6th level or 6 hit dice are entitled to a saving throw versus the color spray spell. The material components of this spell are a pinch each of powder or sand colored red, yellow and blue.


Level: 1
Range: 3″
Duration: I round + I round/level
Area of Effect: One to six creatures
Casting Time: I segment
Saving Throw: Neg.
Components: V,S

Explanation/Description: The gestures of the illusionist, along with his or her droning incantation, cause from 1 to 6 creatures to become susceptible to suggestion (see the third-level magic-user suggestion spell). The suggestion must be given after the hypnotism spell is cast, and until that time the success of the spell is unknown. Note that the subsequent suggestion is not a spell, but simply a vocalized urging. Creatures which
make their soving throw are not under hypnotic influence.

Wall Of Fog

Level: 1
Range: 3″
Duration: 2-8 rounds + 1 round/level
Area of Effect: Special
Casting Time: I segment
Saving Throw: None
Components: V,S,M

Explanation/Description: By costing this spell, the illusionist creates a wall of misty vapors in whatever area within the spell range he or she desires. The wall of fog obscures all sight, normal and/or infravisual, beyond 2′. The area of effect is a cube of 2″ per side per level of experience of the spell caster. The misty vapors persist for 3 or more rounds unless blown away by a strong breeze (cf. gust of wind). The material component is a pinch of split dried peas.

Hypnotic Pattern

Level: 2
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 3″ X 3″ square area
Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: Neg.
Components: S,M

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the illusionist creates a weaving, turning pattern of subtle colours in the air. This hypnotic pattern will cause any creature looking at it to become fascinated and stand gazing at it as long as the spell caster maintains the shifting interplay of glowing lines. Note that the spell can captivate a maximum of 24 levels, or hit dice, of creatures, i.e. 24 creatures with 1 hit die each, 12 with 2 hit dice, etc. All creatures affected must be within the area of effect, and each is entitled to a saving throw. The illusionist need not utter a sound, but he or she must gesture appropriately while holding a glowing stick of incense or a crystal rod filled with phosphorescent material.

Fog Cloud

Level: 2
Range: 1″
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Area of Effect: 4″ wide, 2″ high, 2″ deep cloud
Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: None
Components: V,S

Explanation/Description: The fog cloud is a billowing mass of misty vapors which is of similar appearance to a cloudkill (q.v.), the fog being greenish. The spell caster creates the fog cloud and it moves away from him or her at a 1″ per round rote. Although it behaves in most respects iust as if it were a cloudkill, the only effect of the fog is to obscure vision, iust as o wall of fog does.


Level: 2
Range: 3″
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: One creature
Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: Neg.
Components: V

Explanation/Description: The blindness spell causes the recipient creature to become blind and able to see only a grayness before its eyes. Various cure spells will not remove this effect, and only a dispel magic or the spell caster can do away with the blindness if the creature fails its initial saving throw versus the spell.


Level: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: None
Components: V,S

Explanation/Description: This spell causes the recipient to vanish from sight and not be detectable by normal vision or even infravision. Of course, the invisible creature is not magically silenced for noises normal to it. The spell remains in effect until it is magically broken or dispelled, the magic user or the other recipient cancels it, or until he or she attacks any creature. Thus, the spell caster or recipient could open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, etc., but the invisible creature immediately becomes visible if any form of attack is made. However, this will allow the first attack by the beast because of the former invisibility. Even the allies of the spell recipient cannot see the invisible creature, or his, her or its gear unless these allies can usually see invisible things or employ magic to do so. Note that all highly intelligent creatures with 10 or more hit dice, levels of experience, or the equivalent in intelligence/dice/levels have a chance to detect invisible objects automatically. The material components of the invisibility spell are an eyelash and a bit of gum Arabic, the former encased in the latter.


Level: 3
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 6″ long cone, 3″
diameter at end, 0.5″ at base
Casting Time: 3 segments
Saving Throw: Neg.
Components: V,S

Explanation/Description: When a fear spell is cast, the magic-user sends forth an invisible ray which causes creatures within its area of effect to turn away from the spell caster and flee in panic. Affected creatures are likely to drop whatever they are holding when struck by the spell; the base chance of this is 60% at 1st level (or at 1 hit die), and each level (or hit die) above this reduces the probability by 5%, 1.e. at 10th level there is only a 15% chance, and at 13th level 0% chance. Creatures affected by fear flee at their fastest rate for the number of melee rounds equal to the level of experience of the spell caster. The panic takes effect on the melee round following the spell casting, but dropping of items in hand will take place immediately. Of course, creatures which make their saving throws versus the spell are not affected. The material component of this spell is either the heart of a hen or a white feather.


Level: 3
Range: 1 “/level
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 2″ X 2″area
Casting Time: 3 segments
Saving Throw: Neg.
Components: V,S

Explanation/Description: The paralysation spell enables the spell caster to create illusionary muscle slowdown in creatures whose combined hit dice do not exceed twice the total level of experience of the illusionist. Suppose the recipient creatures fail their saving throws. In that case, they become paralysed, and a dispel illusion or dispel magic spell must be used to remove the effect, or the illusionist may dispel it at any time he or she desires.

Improved Invisibility

Level: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: 4 rounds + I round/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Casting Time: 4 segments
Saving Throw: None
Components: V,S

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to invisibility, but the recipient can attack, either by missile discharge, melee combat, or spell casting and remain unseen. Note, however, that there are sometimes telltale traces, a shimmering so that an observant opponent can attack the invisible spell recipient. Such attacks are at -4 on the “to hit” dice, and all saving throws are at +4.

Phantasmal Killer

Level: 4
Range: 0.5″/level
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: One creature
Casting Time: 4 segments
Saving Throw: Special
Components: V,S

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the illusionist creates the illusion of the most fearsome thing imagined simply by forming the fears of the subject creature’s subconscious mind into something that the conscious mind can visualise – the most horrible beast. Only the spell caster and the spell recipient can see the phantasmal killer, but if it
succeeds in scoring a hit, the victim dies (from fright). The beast attacks as a 4 hit dice monster with respect to its victim. It is invulnerable to all attacks, and it can pass through any barriers, for it exists only in the beholder’s mind. The only defence against a phantasmal killer is an attempt to disbelieve, which can be tried but once, or slaying or rendering unconscious the illusionist who cast the spell. Note that the saving throw against this spell is not standard. The subject must roll three six-sided dice (3d6) and score a sum equal to or less than its intelligence ability score in
order to disbelieve the apparition. The dice score is modified as follows:

Condition Modifier*
Complete surprise +2
Surprise +1
Subject previously attacked by this spell -1 per previous attack
Subject is an illusionist -2
Subject is wearing a helm of
telepathy -3 plus the ability to turn the phantasmof killer upon its creator if disbelieved

* Note that magic resistance and wisdom factors also apply, magic resistance being checked first to determine spell operation (or -1 to -5 on dice if spell resistance is as that of a dwarf, gnome, etc.), and then wisdom bonus applies as a minus to the dice roll to match or score less than intelligence. If the subject of the attack by a phantasmal killer succeeds in disbelieving and is wearing a helm of telepathy, the beast can be turned upon the illusionist, and then he or she must disbelieve it or be subject to its attack and possible effects.


Level: 5
Range: 1/2″/level
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: up to 4″ X 4″
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: Special
Components: V,S,M

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the seventh level druid confusion spell (q.v.), but all creatures in the area of effect are confused for the duration of the spell. Only fighters other than paladins or rangers and illusionists are able to combat the spell effects and are thus allowed a saving throw. Similarly, monsters which do not employ magic and have intelligences of 4 (semi-intelligent) or less are entitled to saving throws. The material component for this spell is a small disc of bronze and a small
rod of iron.

7th level Druid Confusion Explanation/Description: This spell causes confusion in one or more creatures within spell range. Confused creatures will react as follows:

Die Roll action
01-10 Wander away for 1 turn
11-60 Stand confused for 1 round
61 -80 Attack nearest creature for 1 round
81 -00 Attack druid or his party for 1 round

The spell lasts for 1 melee round for each level of experience of the spell caster. It will affect 2 to 8 creatures, plus a possible additional number of creatures determined by subtracting the level or number of hit dice of the strongest opponent creature within the spell range and area of effect from the level of the druid who cast the spell of confusion. If a positive number results, it is added to the random die roll result for number of creatures affected; a negative number is ignored. All creatures affected will be those closest to the druid within the area of effect. Each affected creature must make a saving throw each round, unless they are caused to “wander away for 1 turn” in which case they will go as far away from the druid as is possible in one turn of normal movement, as conditions permit. All saving throws are at -2. Confused creatures act according to the table of actions shown above, but saving throws and actions are checked at the beginning of each round.

Magic Items

Ring of Fire Resistance: The wearer of this ring is immune to the effects of normal fires- torches, flaming oil, bonfires, etc. Very large and hot fires, molten lava, demon immolation, hell hound breath, or a wall of fire spell will cause 10 hit points of damage per round ( 1 per segment) if the wearer is directly within such conflagration. Exceptionally hot fires such as Red Dragon breath, Pyrohydra breath, fireballs, flame strike, firestorm, etc., are saved against at +4 on the die roll, and all damage dice are calculated at -2 per die, but each die is never less than 1 in any event. (As a rule of thumb, consider scorching fires as those with a maximum initial exposure of up to 24 hit points and those of exceptional heat with 25 or more hit points.)